As I stepped out for putting the clothes on the clothesline, I passed a casual look at the deserted Sohna Road. In a fraction of a second, something caught my attention from my multi-storeyed condominium – stream of small and insignificant beings walking. Marching in unison, with nothing or a bundle of essentials sitting atop their head. Small petite bodies, they looked like a colony of ants, marching for the home-run.  And along with them

Teaching profession is akin to the ‘live-bar’ counter. Whatever happens, happens in the moment. There are no re-takes.  Likewise, when a teacher conducts a session, children absorb the discourses through their eyes and ears. They remember and note the gestures, words, expressions and enthusiasm of the teacher.   While the teacher is delivering the lecture, imagine if she falters; how will she erase the intangible learning moments from the child’s memory? How will she ensure that

It’s come to this! WFH for teachers.Who in the world of blood and bones had imagined that the schools would be shut and the teachers would go the virtual way. That stock of chalk for teaching would turn to cheese and those modules on experiential learning would turn into experimental endeavours. Classroom arrangements would be flipped to study room or dining tables at home. Cupboards at home would hold the anchor charts and the so