Inhibitions. We all come with them, in various moderations. Some of us feel shy all our lives and thus give oxygen to inhibitions, while some of the others shrug them off early and keep the little child alive in their heart; even when their hair is greying and teeth are losing ground. Enthusiasm. Unmindful. Non-judgemental. How I wish I could imbibe these childlike abilities now in my adulthood.

Imagine this. On a sunny morning of 31st August, I get to talk, interact and watch an infectious group of small children participating at the ‘MI-me’, annual event organised by Suncity School, Gurgaon.  The participating children were from different schools. As a part of the school’s emphasis on developing a sense of culture and history amongst these kids, there were different events taking place across the school on that day. Event that I judged left me overwhelmed. Under the “East Meets West” event, kids were supposed to trace the roots of the Silk Route. This exercise transported the teachers, kids and their parents to centuries ago; giving them a glimpse of the lives at that time. Each child had to choose a country which passed through the Silk Route. After which the child was introduced to the cultures, traditions, businesses, lifestyles, music and much more about people who lived in that country during 1400 A.D.

This will not be an exaggeration that none of the kids, aged between 4 to 6 years blinked an eye or fluttered their arms or stammered their tongue while standing poise at the centre of the stage. Of all the fifteen performers I saw, each was well rehearsed and planned. Their diction was excellent; the sequence of their task was in-time and their delivery top class.

What was commendable was how well these young ones walked up the stage; loaded with not just the confidence but even the knowledge of so many weeks! Each and every child stood with much élan in the centre of the stage; sharing the uniqueness   Unmindful, these acts on the stage by the tiny-tots taught me the lessons of life:

  • Age and learning, can move together on the linear line – learning is a lifelong process. Age can never be a deterrent in the process.
  • Talk like no one is judging – as the line suggests, speak your heart out. Don’t let the swoons or the boos or the hisses distract you.
  • Enjoy the moment- be in the moment. Glow in the spotlight, not sulk.
  • Be a sport – welcome all the opportunities that fall on your lap. May be that’s not your forte but give it a shot.
  • Be fluids not quadrilaterals – be open to suggestions and feedback. Don’t keep yourself closed or caged.
  • Be the dry mud not the wet one – Absorb, watch, assimilate.

I congratulate the school for their efforts and the dedication with which they work on the overall education of the child.  It was a learning experience for me.

Since then I have been trying to awaken the child within me. Complacent is not an adjective, it’s a hindrance from growth. I am trying hard to imbibe the spirits of my little role models. And I will reach there soon.

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